Wednesday, June 9, 2010

For Inspiration: 10 Creative Domestic Violence/ Sexual Assault Program Logos

Most logos for victim service agencies follow a recognizable theme. Many have a shattered house, a cause ribbon, women reaching upward or handprints or hearts. Most consist of two colors or a black & white image. The colors most used in agencies that address violence against women are teal and purple. Simplicity is conducive to universal recognition and easy copying, but it is alway enjoyable to see a well thought out image that goes beyond the norm. For inspiration, here are ten creative program logos :

Shining Mountain Community Services
Army- Fort Carson
Choctow Project Safe


  1. Dear Innerlite,
    My name is Meredith Cavaness Corning and I am from Arkansas. I have recently started a grass roots effort to support the victims of domestic violence through encouraging communities to donate items such as clothing, accessories, and personal care products to their local women's shelters and other related advocacy groups. By finding creative ways to do this I believe we can inspire one another to join in the effort of empowering the victims through self-confidence. I am going to follow your blog and I know you are more on the legislative side of this issue, but I would love for you to follow my blog also as I am still trying to rally the troops and am in need of support in numbers. Here's a link: I hope you can check it out and any advice for my cause would be fantastic. Thank you so much for your time.

  2. I like the way many of these impart hope. I know it's a little thing, but even positive graphics and branding can help fight stigmatization.

  3. Good share,I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you're talking about. Can't wait to read more from you!


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